Our Philosophy
At Life's Your Stage we aim to help our dancers lead fulfilling and inspirational lives by providing them with many of the tools they will need to follow and achieve their dreams; including a healthy self-image, a strong work ethic and a positive attitude.
Important Dates 2024-25
Sept 3:
Oct 31:
Nov 25-29:
Dec 13:
Dec 23-Jan 3:
Mar 17-21:
May 26:
May 27-30:
May 31:
Jun 16:
First Day of Fall Classes
No class - Halloween
No Class - Thanksgiving
Christmas Show
No Class - Winter Break
No Class -Spring Break
No Class - Memorial Day
Pictures / Dress Rehearsals
End of Year Recital
First Day of Summer Classes
Classroom Ettiquette
Come to class with a positive attitude and prepared to dance
Respect your teacher and your classmates
Raise your hand before speaking
Ask your teacher before leaving the room for any reason
Avoid private conversations with classmates
Absolutely no cell phones or other technological devices permitted while inside of the studio. All belongings should be stored in the corner of the room.
Pay attention and follow directions
Do not complain; think and speak positively

Other Important Information
We are invested in the quality of dance education that we provide at LYSDC. LYSDC features floating dance floors which are important for the safety of our students. Click this link to learn more about the importance of floating floors. In addition, all of our instructors have a strong dance background and are committed to protecting the mental health and physical safety of our dancers.